After the Third Meeting, we experimented with Convai's capabilities just like I told you in the previous blog post, we were moving into the Convai software for our behaviour part of the system. This week I am looking into the scripting part to understand what is exactly influencing the Convai system to make the behavioural changes
This week iam trying to understand the scripting behind CONVAI and look for important script dependencies so that we can create our animations and procedural behavior based on the text.
This is a flow chart I have made in Miro Board:
Even though i dont think looking into every package is going to solve the problem but it is worth looking into new ways to implement a solution, i think it is a good practice to know the fundamentals properly to ensure we write the code ourselfs even in chatgpt
The Dependencies for CONVAI are these:
System: This is a namespace that provides fundamental classes and base types that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.
System.Collections: This namespace contains interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects, such as lists, queues, dictionaries, etc.
System.Collections.Generic: This namespace contains generic interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects. Generic collections provide better type safety and performance compared to non-generic collections.
System.Linq: This namespace provides classes and extension methods for querying data using Language Integrated Query (LINQ). LINQ allows you to write queries over various data sources like arrays, collections, XML documents, databases, etc.
Convai.Scripts.Utils: This is a custom utility library provided by Convai. It contains helper classes and functions used in the Convai plugin.
Grpc.Core: This is the core library for gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call). gRPC is a high-performance RPC framework developed by Google for inter-service communication. It allows clients to call remote methods on servers using strongly-typed messages over various transport protocols like HTTP/2.
Service: This is a generated code containing service definitions and message types from the protobuf files. Protobuf (Protocol Buffers) is a language-neutral binary serialization format developed by Google.
TMPro: TMPro (TextMeshPro) is a text rendering package for Unity that provides enhanced text formatting options compared to the built-in Unity text components. It supports features like rich text tags, styling options, text mesh generation optimization, etc.
UnityEngine: This namespace contains the core Unity engine API used for developing games or applications in Unity.
Junfeng my teammate has created a Blink script which I have briefly represented in the flow chart above. I think it would be best to check out his blog post for more detailed work he has done for blinking script in unity